SOurces Consulted By Page
Humanitarian Aid Page
Branczik, Amelia. "Humanitarian Aid and Development Assistance." Beyond Intractability. Eds. Guy Burgess and Heidi Burgess. Conflict Information Consortium, University of Colorado, Boulder. Posted: February 2004 <>.
Lentz, Erin C., and Christopher B. Barrett. "The Negligible Welfare Effects Of The International Food Aid Provisions In The 2014 Farm Bill." Choices: The Magazine Of Food, Farm & Resource Issues 29.3 (2014): 1. Biography Reference Bank (H.W. Wilson). Web. 21 Jan. 2015.
Power Africa
Saigal, K. (2014). Power Africa receives $6 billion boost. Euromoney, 9.
The Money Migration
Adow, M. (2014, April 30). Out of Africa: The great money migration. Al Jazeera (Qatar).
Foreign Affairs
Farmer, P. (2013, December 12). Rethinking foreign aid: Five ways to improve developmental aid. Retrieved March 31, 2015, from Foreign Affairs website:
The Paradigms (Iran-U.S. Relations)
Calabresi, M., Bajekal, N., & Serjoie, K. A. (2015). Diplomacy of Distrust. Time, 185(11), 30.
Just War and the Problem of Evil
Schott, R. M.(2008). Just War and the Problem of Evil. Hypatia 23(2), 122-140. Indiana University Press. Retrieved May 16, 2015, from Project MUSE database.
Outsourcing War
Singer, P. W. (2005, March/April). Outsourcing War. Foreign Affairs, 84(2), 119-132.
Public Diplomacy and Soft Power
Nye, J. S., Jr. (2008, March). Public Diplomacy and Soft Power. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 616, 94-109.
Debt Relief Under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative
International Monetary Fund. (2015, April). Debt Relief Under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative [Fact sheet]. Retrieved May 17, 2015, from International Monetary Fund website:
Branczik, Amelia. "Humanitarian Aid and Development Assistance." Beyond Intractability. Eds. Guy Burgess and Heidi Burgess. Conflict Information Consortium, University of Colorado, Boulder. Posted: February 2004 <>.
Lentz, Erin C., and Christopher B. Barrett. "The Negligible Welfare Effects Of The International Food Aid Provisions In The 2014 Farm Bill." Choices: The Magazine Of Food, Farm & Resource Issues 29.3 (2014): 1. Biography Reference Bank (H.W. Wilson). Web. 21 Jan. 2015.
Power Africa
Saigal, K. (2014). Power Africa receives $6 billion boost. Euromoney, 9.
The Money Migration
Adow, M. (2014, April 30). Out of Africa: The great money migration. Al Jazeera (Qatar).
Foreign Affairs
Farmer, P. (2013, December 12). Rethinking foreign aid: Five ways to improve developmental aid. Retrieved March 31, 2015, from Foreign Affairs website:
The Paradigms (Iran-U.S. Relations)
Calabresi, M., Bajekal, N., & Serjoie, K. A. (2015). Diplomacy of Distrust. Time, 185(11), 30.
Just War and the Problem of Evil
Schott, R. M.(2008). Just War and the Problem of Evil. Hypatia 23(2), 122-140. Indiana University Press. Retrieved May 16, 2015, from Project MUSE database.
Outsourcing War
Singer, P. W. (2005, March/April). Outsourcing War. Foreign Affairs, 84(2), 119-132.
Public Diplomacy and Soft Power
Nye, J. S., Jr. (2008, March). Public Diplomacy and Soft Power. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 616, 94-109.
Debt Relief Under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative
International Monetary Fund. (2015, April). Debt Relief Under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative [Fact sheet]. Retrieved May 17, 2015, from International Monetary Fund website: